Saturday, December 31, 2011


6 yr old Lacey, is in the hospital. They have found a mass in her back that they think is cancer. The little girls grandparents/cousins/aunt/uncle go to my church. The tumor they found is four to five inches in size and more tests are being done to see exactly what procedure needs to be performed.
Lacey has stage 4 cancer that is in her bones too. She is in a lot of pain and can't move her legs today. they are doing an MRI and sending her to ICU. They may start radiation agressively too. They are not hopeful. Pray for her family to be bathed in God's peace and that they can make Lacey more comfortable. Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Please pray for this family, Laceys grandparents/cousins/aunt/uncle go to my church. I have had this girl in VBS and done photos for her family. Thank you!

Friday, December 30, 2011

day #32
Ah yes, I have made it to the top of the hill of one goal. Not "hill" as in "I'm 40 now" {because that is Y.E.A.R.S away} I blogged for a month straight, good times! The last few days I have been thinking about what my goals for the New Year will be, so far I have come up with a few...
1. To live by 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances..."
2. Be content... with where God has me at each step, with my singleness, with who I am & who He is changing me to be, with the things He brings to my life.

( be continued)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

5 Golden Rings

day #31

Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Today marks DAY THIRTY ONE, I have blogged every day for 31 days. Who thought I could do it? Hmmm, I didn't... Today was a good day & it's the 5th day of Christmas, get your 5 golden rings out.
This morning/afternoon I had a reunion of sorts with the teens/staff from the summer ministry program I was apart of. People that I hadn't seen in months were there as well as my friend Kris, whom I hadn't seen since June of 2010...very nice to catch up & chat! My friend Kris is also a fellow Greek geek, it was awesome to talk "Greek" with someone who gets it! L.O.V.E.D. it!

What I love about today was that I was able to lead the music session, now I am not a musician. Violin & piano I can do a little, but my piano skills are not great enough to play for people. So I chose songs, found the lyrics & we had a sing-a-long of sorts. All the songs I chose were not really familiar with everyone but I still think it went well... I loved it, the enviornment seemed worshipful & there was good feedback. When I teach or do something with the ministry I tend to push it a little. Test the limits in a respectful way, trying to stretch our view & world. I like to do things differently then others, not always doing the same old thing...shake it up a little.
A lot of the people who are in this particular ministry tend to be very Baptist {not that Baptist is bad} they are really conservative & sometimes seem afraid of showing any emotion. Anyway, I will stop there before digging a deeper hole.

Also spent time with my dear friend Grace, she is about 7 ish months pregnant & just about as cute as they come. Such a beautiful, relaxing time with a godly young women. She & her husband are people I adore to pieces & I can't wait for their little boy to come.
I think that is all for now.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Four calling birds

day #30

Is it horribly vain & not humble of me to say that I.lo.v.e. the cookies I made for Christmas?
because I do.

I don't remember the last time I made hard boiled eggs. Honestly, I had to look up how to do it, how long it needed to boil.

Went ice skating today, haven't done that in y.e.a.r.s however my rear did not meet the ice & the wall was my bff!

Also, today is the 4th Day of Christmas! Soooo... "on the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to my 4 calling birds, 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves & a partridge in a pair tree"
{I am thinking of ways to make a photo project out of this}

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

day #29
What to say for today? Hmmm... Pinterest makes me long to cook like a pro! Not have a normal job & be crafty ALL THE TIME & get paid for it & to have my own b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. home.{all in good time my God's time}.

New motto for 2012....{rejoice a.l.w.a.y.s pray c.o.n.t.i.n.u.a.l.l.y give thanks in a.l.l circumstances}

By Gods grace this is how I will live my life, celebrating God's abundant goodness & love. Rejoicing always, praying without ceasing & giving thanks for all things, even when they seem unbareable.

Oh God give me grace & mercy, strength & endurance to live this way.

Monday, December 26, 2011

day #28

I love taking pictures at Christmas time, glitter, lights...

I didn't go to midnight mass Christmas Eve, my church service was longer then I anticipated. Christmas Eve was really good, played games, spent time with friends, went to church.

This season has given me so many ideas of what to do when/if I have a family someday. Ways to celebrate Advent, activities to do with the family, things to make/bake/cook...

The day after Christmas always seems to be such a shock. A good, solid month of thinking, prepping, shopping, baking... for only one day. When it is done, it is almost as it you say "well what now?" I find it very easy to slip into the mindset of looking foward to things so greatly that when they are over I feel so utterly disappointed. I try to be content with things & not place my expectations of things so high. This year wasn't my ideal, but a lot would have to happen for it to be.

{What the roads looked like...}

{What I wished that had looked like...}

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Chris Tomlin My Soul Magnifies the Lord

day #27

Merry Christmas all, remember the true reason we celebrate...
the birth of our Savior,
our king.
May your day be filled with sweet reflection on our King of Kings.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

day #26

Christmas Eve!
Party tonight,
Christmas Eve service,
midnight mass,
I finally watched "It's A Wonderful Life" {well most of it..}

Here are my 2 kinds of hot chocolate,
I intend to do more but it didn't happen before Christmas,

Adore Him / Christmas Eve / Kari Jobe

Friday, December 23, 2011

on going

day #25

Christmas eve, eve... my list of things didn't really get accomplished today.. cleaning & laundry, yeah not so much. There is still gift wrapping, baking, cleaning, thinking & reflection to be done. Hopefully tomorrow will be very productive & reflective.
Finding time to sit down & think is hard. So many times wasters, I want to be more adamant about focused meditation on Jesus, being still & listening. There is too much noise in my life, too much going on. It's crowded, I don't really have a quiet place of my own to be.
My goals for myself might be to extreme or unrealistic... I don't really know.
I feel like crying right now, not so sure why. Broken dreams, or what seem like broken dreams I guess. Life is not what I wanted it to be & I know that God has a plan & has not forgotten about me. Yet...I feel forgotten & looked over. My focus needs to be off of myself, I don't know how to be focused on God without losing myself in a bad way. I know I need to die to myself & lose myself that way but what I tend to do is try so hard to focus on God that I can't focus on anything, even sitting down to read Gods Word. I need help, dear Jesus I need help! I pray for wisdom but in reality I just want knowledge. Oh God may my heart be in the right place before You, bowed down & humbled. I don't know what else to do, I feel like a fake.

How Many Kings by Downhere

Thursday, December 22, 2011

day #24

:) I just feel really happy right now. There isn't one particular reason...
I am off work for 3 whole days! It feels like a lot even though it's not. I love Christmas time, the music, food, parties, beauty. Tonight I was watching "A Christmas Carol" with my sister, we drank hot chocolate had just the light of the TV & the Christmas lights...just pretty!
I was thinking about Christmas "someday" when I have a family of my own, traditions & special things we will do.... makes me excited for what God has in store.

Sixteen Cities - Morning Star

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

day #23
23 days, in a row....I can't believe it! I have had so many projects to do lately. Tonight the girls at my church {jr.high through college-ish age} did a secret santa gift exchange, the name I drew was my good friend Amanda...her card of "info" wasn't very informative so I had a little trouble figuring out what to get. No matter how well I know a person I always seem to have trouble getting gifts, because I want each gift to have meaning.
After thinking & looking I thought of the p.e.r.f.e.c.t thing!
{look below}
This is "Dookie Face Snazzy Jazzy"
Several years ago Amanda made me the original "Dookie Face", it was an inside joke with us.
"Dookie Face" was a name we {jokingly} called a friend of ours. I do not remember exactly why I did or why she made it for me in the first place, but it was funny. So now Amanda has a reason to have a "Dookie Face" of her own, only now he is snazzy.

I am enjoying this Christmastime more so then ever before. God has blessed me immensely with the time & attitude for that enjoyment.
Thank you Jesus!

Jason Bare "Have You Heard" Music Video

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I am overwhelmed & a little emotionaly drained/exhausted. This afternoon/evening has been enlightening. When I am at work I do not enjoy working on the singles floor, it seems each time I do there is loads of drama.... adult women acting like teenagers, frustrates me. Today has been no exception, there has been drama. I just didn't know what to do, I don't have all the answers. So much was happeneing at the same time, trying to deal with frantic women, answer questions, carry on a conversation & have a logical thought process is hard! I know God is teaching me things because of all these situations I am having to deal with. Confrontation is not my favorite, being mean or rude is not something I do well. I can talk it but follow through on rudeness just doesn't happen.
This afternoon I was at a loss of what to do, the situation started to escalate. I didn't know how to handle what was being thrown at me, I didn't even have the time to really think & pray.
Emotions started to come & I wanted to cry, just go off by myself & cry. I am thinking "Why am I here, I can't handle this! I feel like the one in the wrong."
God gave me words... He is teaching me & giving me wisdom as I deal with these situations.
Grace, mercy & wisdom was showered on me tonight.
Blessings are ever flowing as I talk with the ladies, one who told me of the dissolvement of doubts about God & the Bible, she is showing more & more interest in God's Word & a desire to teach her children.
Blessings... blessings!

Matthew West - The Heart of Christmas

15 questions

day #22

1. What was the best thing that happened to you this year? Knowing that God provides & is faithful even when things don't go how I think they should.
2. What is your #1 pet peeve? Slow walkers & idiotic drivers
3. Favorite place to eat? Sushi Moto or Panera
4. Best and worst movie you have ever seen? The worst movie I ever went to see in the theater was "Four Christmases" That is probably the only one I really regret going to see the best one...idk.
5. Describe your dream home? On a corner lot with a decent front porch. Open floor plan for living room & dining room. A porch/deck that is covered but not screened in. The living room would have a lot of shelves that include cupboards on the bottom & room for books, frames, trinkets etc. There would be nice big windows & a fireplace. The kitchen would have a lot of counter space & would be at least a 3-4 butt kitchen. The kirchen would have several pantry cupboards as well as a little office/desk nook. The floors would be something easy to clean & the cupboards would not be wood or painted green. There would be 21/2 bathrooms, a 1/2 on the main floor, 1 full bathroom in the fully, finished basement & 1 on the top floor. There would be 3 bedrooms on the top floor & a landing room for my little craft/photo office area. In the basement would be the laundry room & a half bathroom. An office/computer room & the open area would be like a family room/play room. There would be a 2 car garage & a fenced in yard with pretty trees & flowers.
6. If you could get paid really well to do what you totally love, what would it be? I do photography so that is part of what I do. But I would love to create/design & be crafty & get paid for it. Combine that with church/worship ministry & I am set.
7. Who is your celebrity crush?Adam Rodriguez....adorable!
8. What is your dream car?Well I L.O.V.E. my 2001 Ford Focus! I like small cars or small, snazzy SUV type things
9. What do you wish you were better at? I wish I was better at crafty thinking of ideas & such..I get ideas but I wish I had the time to do more & the money! Singing musical stuff. Being photographed
10. What is your feed weakness that you will over eat every single time? Cheese dip or ice cream 11. Your favorite iphone/android app? If I had one it would be Instagram.
12. What is your most favorite website?Pinterest/blogspot
13. Your top 3 favorite stores to shop? Target, World Market, Hobby Lobby
14. What was your favorite childhood toy? Barbies & American Girl Dolls
15. What really freaks you out/scares you? Spiders/failure.

Monday, December 19, 2011

snazzy jazzy

This past summer my sister went to South Africa as an intern for Impact Africa.

While she was there she became really close to the 6 other interns. Out of the 7 interns there 3 were just summer interns & the other 4 were year-long interns.

They had a load of fun together & the girls made an agreement to do a Christmas card competition. They each would do a Christmas card & send it to the guys who would judge & pick the winner.

So I got involved because my sister needed my skills of photography & photoshop.

She wanted to do an 80's style & somehow incorporate "have a jazzy Christmas".

So here are some pics, I think they are hilarious, she pulls off the 80's thing well. BTW she decorataed her sweatshirt herself.

She showed the sweatshirt to our mom who said "Its not that ugly",

my sister responded "no"

*And the final draft & chosen one to send....


day #21

Working on ugly Christmas sweat photos for my sister, oh it's hilarious!
Going to edit while watching "Christmas in Conneticut"

I had no Christmas movies at all, I found these movies at Target for $8.99 each. A lady I work with was telling me how good some of these are, so I thought I should get them.

Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel by The Franz Family // Canon 5D Mark II

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Christmas thoughts...

day #20

The Sunday before Christmas, where has the time gone? I feel like just yesturday I was on the beach, getting burnt.Lots of things are happening, special services at church, party plans, family get-togethers.
I am grateful for this time of year, to have something to look forward to, special events & activities. I think I look forward to or put a lot of meaning into things, then it comes or happens & its over, I get disappointed easily. Generally I think the very best of people/things/situations & often the end result is not what I had pictured.
I sat in church tonight listening to the choir sing the lovely songs of the cantata watched my friends, thinking about what was going on in their lives at this moment. One of my best friends {who is younger then me} is married to the oldest Pastors son, he is a great guy, talented, wise, godly...she is 7 months pregnant & adorable as all get out. I love her dearly, but I look at her & think "how did I miss that boat, the get married & have kids boat?"
Contentment is something I struggle with at so many moments in my day. With each new activity that comes with the Christmas season my heart is drawn to the longing that I have for a family of my own. A house, husband, kids & a dog...starting traditions, being together, loving God & loving each other. My heart longs for that time...
I have so many ideas of things I would want to's crazy!

Anyway, on a lighter note...this morning I remembered a song I had written/recorded a couple of years ago. I found it on my laptop & played it. Memories came spilling by no means am I anything near a recording artist/musician/song writer...I just wrote lyrics/revised/wrote music & recorded..
Maybe I will try to get it uploaded... {*please don't expect a whole lot from it, the song needs some professional help!*}
Tomorrow should be a good day, a bit of shopping, picture taking, creativity & old Christmas movie watching, as well as 8 hours of work...hmm...

Lord be with my day tomorrow, give me grace & mercy. Give me discernment as I face the things that You will bring to me.

Angels We Have Heard On High by Elevation Worship

Saturday, December 17, 2011

day #19

Last night & tonight have been good. I spent time with my friend Heather.
We had sushi {YUM}....

ate Christmas cookies...

we did crafty things & watched "Miracle on 34th Street" & "Nacho Libre".

I am so thankful to know Heather, I met her several years ago when we were both seniors in high school. Both of us were homeschooled & involved in the same home-school co-op graduation ceremony & orchestra co-op. We graduated with a class of 10. Out of those 10 people, Heather is the only one I really have contact with. {BTW I graduated in 2006, so it really hasn't been that long}. Anyway, I am so glad for the friendship I have with Heather, few people can I relate to so well. We seem to be in similar seasons at the moment. We are very different & had very different life experiences but our current "season" seems very similar. Yay for the friends God puts in your life!

Hillsong Church / Emmanuel (Official Music Video)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day #18
Another day at the daycare, fun stuff. I was excited because i took my awesome books & the kids l.o.v.e.d them! Highlight of my day, honestly i was cracking up before i even started reading "Bear in Underwear" it!
Tonight I'm out for sushi with a friend & a night of craftiness! peace out homeskillet.

Breath Of Heaven - Amy Grant

Thursday, December 15, 2011

day @ daycare

Day #17
Today has been busy! I sub @ a daycare (I worked @ this daycare for about 5 years, I quit in June but I sub every now & then) today I was with the 4yr old class, I am pretty sure it's my favorite age group. Out of the 5 kids I worked with today 4 of them I took care of when they were babies in the infant room & when they were in the 2yr old room & the 3yr old room. We made a gingerbread train, it looks really jacked up.
*FYI I put the train together, the kids put the candy on. {I have never built a gingerbread anything, hence the disgruntlement of the train}. I called the train "The Special Express".
I love working with these kids, in the last six months I have gotten more tough. Being a daycare teacher makes me long for the days when I have kids of my own & we can do projects, read books, cook & have fun.
Tomorrow I am subbing again in the same class, I am excited!
Friday is movie day & I am taking some of my favorite books:
Olivia Saves the Circus, Bear in Underwear & Bear in Long Underwear!
For now that is all...

Winter Snow Song - Audrey Assad with Chris Tomlin

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More today...

day #16.2

*Someone please tell me you get this! I find it too humorous to keep to myself.*

I made Christmas cookies! Never before have I made them myself, in fact the last few years I hadn't been involved at all. Years ago, when I was younger, making Christmas cookies was a B.I.G. thing, it was an all out activity. Since I was home schooled we could do this whenever we had the time. My mom would put on a {tape} of Christmas music, usually Kenny Rogers or Sandi Patty (her Christmas album from the 70's). This was fun, my mom would get aggravated because we (my two siblings & I) would get impatient & want to roll out the dough, or we would eat the dough. Eventually things would just get crazy, regardless it was fun.

Yesterday I made the cookie dough, my mom had about 4 recipes for sugar cookie dough, I found what looked like the best 2 & decided to make both to see which I preferred. Recipe #1 I cut in half because I didn't need {dozens} of cookies.

I found that recipe #2 was better, not as sticky, because I had minimal time yesterday & the dough had to chill, timing worked out perfectly because today I had time to do the cookies.
The cookies below are
Peppermint Sugar Cookies
I used a regular sugar cookie recipe then before baking I topped with crushed candy cane. After the cookies baked & cooled I frosted with peppermint frosting & topped with sprinkles & crushed candy cane.
They look so pretty!
While I made the cookies I listened to Kenny Rogers & Sandi Patty, just like I did when I was younger....took me back.

Yesterday I started making a wreath, I bought small ornaments from the dollar store (about 4 packs of 15 & 1 pack of 5) & I attached them to a wire coat hanger. To attach them I twisted the hanger apart, the ornaments just slide right on. I had my hot glue gun to glue any extras or if there was a malfunction with the ornaments.

I ran out of ornaments so I had to get 2 more packs (of 15), after it was full I re-twisted the hanger together.
....lo & behold, a wreath!
More Bokeh photos.
I went over to my friends house tonight &
was able to try a few more shots using the bokeh effect.

*{My Fav!}*
It looks like the light bubbles are spilling out of the cup.


day #16

This morning I was reading in Acts 7, this chapter is very interesting. Stephan comes before the Sanhedrin & gives overview of parts of Genesis & Exodus. I was struck by what Acts 7:9-10 says: "Because the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph, they sold him as a slave into Egypt. But God was with him and rescued him from all his troubles. He gave Joseph wisdom and enabled him to gain the goodwill of Pharaoh king of Egypt; so he made him ruler over Egypt all his palace."
After I read this I pondered asking for wisdom. I ask for wisdom all the time & sometimes I still don't feel like I have the wisdom I need for each situation. Sometimes I think my expectation is to gain knowledge right away, knowledge is a different thing then wisdom.


[nol-ij] Show IPA
acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from studyor investigation; general erudition: knowledge of many things.
familiarity or conversance, as with a particular subject orbranch of learning: A knowledge of accounting was necessaryfor the job.
acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience, orreport: a knowledge of human nature.
the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact ortruth; clear and certain mental apprehension.

awareness, as of a fact or circumstance: He had knowledgeof her good fortune.


[wiz-duhm] noun
the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action;sagacity, discernment, or insight.
scholarly knowledge or learning: the wisdom of the schools.
wise sayings or teachings; precepts.
a wise act or saying.

Knowledge, to my understanding,is facts. Being knowledgeable is like that kid in your class, the one that sits in front always knows all the answers and is always "sharing" what he/she knows.
Wisdom, to my understanding, is experience. When you have been through some things and you have come out of that valley changed, for the better. That is wisdom.
I was thinking about Joseph that and the wisdom God had given him. It wasn't that one night Joseph didn't know something & the next morning he did; the wisdom from God happened over time. Joseph went through some "stuff" to get there; he was favored by his brothers which led to hatred by his brothers, he was thrown in a pit, sold by his own brothers, sold into slavery in Egypt, found favor with Potiphar, harassed by Potiphars wife, then thrown in jail & forgotten... God certainly gave Joseph wisdom & grace because he had gone through those things.

I get impatient when I don't have the answers & when I don't know what is coming next & I wonder why I go through the things I do or why certain things are happening. It is probably because I ask God for wisdom, He is shaping me, preparing me for each step & each obstacle.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

Brandon Heath - Night Before Christmas

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I don't know what this will be...

day #15

What? day #15? Woot woot! This is a bit of a record! I am half way to my goal of 30 days of blogging!

I am planning to go beyond that.

Soooo.....I love glitter, mostly I love it around Christmas. Other times of the year I am not so glitzy. Honestly my syle & preferances change all the time. I love decorating, organizing, designing & making things beautiful. (*I am about to be really honest) I struggle a lot because I don't have the space to do what I want to do. By space I mean I do not have my own place. I live with my parents, still. So often I am embarressed by that because the fact that I live with my parents when I am 23 makes me feel very lame, forgotten & unimportant. When I was 15 or 18 I thought that by the time I was 23 I would be at least married & maybe I would even have a baby. Obviously that was not Gods plan for me & I know that it is ok. God is working in my life, I know that. To be even more honest, I am glad that I am not currently who I wanted to be when I was 15 or 18, I would have been lame & not happy. God has done some many things in my life to change me, not all traumatic, tragic or major things but with each heartbreak, loss, disappointment He is shaping me to be who He wants me to be, I am glad because I like that person more & more.

Yet even though I know God is at work, I get those feelings. My biggest passion in life is to serve God be a wife/mother & use the abilities & skills God has given me, to serve Him. I don't really want to have a corporate job or a 9-5 job. I would love to work from home/do freelance photography/crafty/artsy/design. I love business stuff, like writing contracts & agreements & spreadsheets & computers (not in a total I'm a geek way, just normal). I am fascinated by the music business & I love church & worship & working with teenagers & womens ministry. I think it would be amazing to get up in front of many people & speak or teach or be in a band (I do not have enough musical ability to be on the stage though)....the really crazy thing about that last statement is: two years ago I would have laughed in your face if you told me I would say that. Anyway, these passions grow & grow, everyday my desire to have a husband, my own home, my own family, gets stronger each day.

Life gets especially challenging around holidays, when decorations go up. My mom & I do not have anywhere near the same style. I have ideas but butting in would not be appropriate, so I will have to wait. My standards of cleanliness are different then every one elses (not only do I live with my parents but also with my brother & sister). I now understand when my mom would complain about how people didn't clean up after themselves...I so get it that now.

Moving out is something I greatly look forward to, sometimes I feel as though if people knew I had been homeschooled, I still live at home & that I am 23 they would look at me in disgust & think "SHE IS A HOMESCHOOLER!" No I am really not... lol

I don't mean to sound like I am complaining or venting again, all of this was in my mind. I am sure God is using this experiance to teach me things & help me grow. He knows when I'll be ready to be a wifey & mother & homemaker...its not my timing, it's His.

"Fear the Lord & he shall give you the desires of your heart" -Psalm 37:4

I want to fear You in all I do, I want to trust You in everything. I don't want any doubts anywhere near me. Make me the women You want me to be, keep my eyes & heart open to what You are showing & teaching me.

Flyleaf- Christmas Song

Monday, December 12, 2011


day #14

I am a crazy list person. I am an avid note-taker. I make lists & lists & lists, many of them I don't even use. I think I have a slight obsession with writing things down. Like a Christmas gift list, usually the bulk of my Christmas shopping is accomplished within the two weeks before Christmas {so this week & next}. Every year I think I will start earlier & get it done & relax.....yeah, that's not happening anytime soon. Today I went shopping with my sister & her friend, I needed more then a mental note of what I would I would be doing between now & Christmas. So I drew a chart-ish thing. This doesn't include work/school or church functions.

Maybe I don't start shopping until it's almost Christmas because I do not want to get all "gift-focused" or bring out the selfishness in me. I do love giving gifts, esepcially when I made it or it has a special meaning. I have friends who are fantastic at this, but for me, my thinking process takes awhile. All the things listed on this paper will happen, but through it all I do not want to lose myself in the "culture" or escape from reality & the reason I celebrate {or should be celebrating} Christmas.


Then I made a list, by person, what I had & what I needed to get. I was able to check off a few things today & secure supplies for another gift. :) I also saved about $60.00 at JC Penny. My dad & brother are so hard to get presents for. My dad has these things on his list f.o.r.e.v.e.r: *good kids*a truck*zebra pens*socks... he never got the truck & as for the good kids, I can speak for one offspring. He has at least ONE good kid {me} lol (actually the other two aren't to shabby). I feel like I have so much to do in the next two weeks, & I don't have any children or a husband, nor am I hosting any parties. How all you wives & mothers do it, I do not know. A little secret though {i can't wait to be one of you!!!}

(*I had to blur out some names, for secrecy)
I mentioned yesturday that I was trying to figure out the bokeh effect, well check this out...

There will definitely be more photos to come!