Valentines Day... usually I cry at least once. feel sorry for myself. become mad or angry. day dream myself silly. I have to say, today has been one of the best Valentines Days ever! Before you get all excited...
Today was a normal, but it was good in the fact that...
like I had been ALL last week & ALL weekend.
Honestly it was nice, I got up went to the gym, came home took a shower, got dressed, puttered around read my Bible (not as much as I intended) watched a movie while editing, did a tad of baking, then went to work. Even work has been pretty good.
I am so thankful for today, being a normal day... I came to the realization that today, today I am content in life. I don't know about tomorrow, but today I have reason to smile. Because God loves me and He is faithful.
I was reading a post by another blogger lovely little besos, she was writing about Valentines and this is some of what she said:"Unfortunately, I don't get showered with love from my family either. I come from the type of family where we don't ever say "I love you". Its more of something that is assumed than heard, and the belief is actions are supposed to show someone's love for you. Which is true. I also don't really get treated like a "princess" in my family. Which means I don't get flowers or cards sent to me on this holiday. I am not trying to have a pity party here. I am just trying to shed some light on why some people consider valentines day a regular day, and why others tend to get bitter. I am not going to lie, I am envious of the many girls that get taken out to dinner by their significant others or flowers sent to them by their families on this day. But I also hope for a future of that type of love in my life."
That is so my same situation. Growing up and still I don't hear "I love you" unless I am in the middle of a heated discusion or we just had a disagreement. Though every year my mom gets me something on Valentines but it always seems genaric. On Saturday my parents gave me a rose they picked up at the store, I do appreciate that. The thought was nice but it doesn't really mean a whole lot to me. {I don't mean to be ungrateful} when I see it I am just reminded that they picked it up while grocery shopping, so convienant...seems so inpersonal.
I don't like unknowns, or really spur-of-the-moment, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type stuff but I pray that the man I marry someday is romantic, a bit mysterious & spontaneous, smart, frugal but not a tightwad, loveing, kind, compassionate, unselfish but most of all that He loves Jesus above all and strives to please Him in ALL things. (*Gives me a lot to strive for as well, to be all those things and more for him)
Someday I am sure I will have a SUPER extra special Valentines Day but...
I am glad for today, that is was simple.
& I am content.
BTW something I found really ironic and oddly funny. I was at the gym this morning and one TV was on TLC two "Baby Stories" were on in the time that I was there. The first was about a gay couple who had one child already and was using a surrogate to have another. Their surrogate was one of the guys sister, she was also the surrogate for their first baby. (*I don't know what your views on this are but I found it disgusting & morally wrong. The Bible states marriage unions are one man & one women not two men or two women) {I got all that by just looking at the screen occasionally}
The second story that came on was about a man and women who were heavily involved in their CHRISTIAN church. They prayed on screen with their church and youth group more then once. They were in charge of the youth group and they talked openly of the Lord, their faith and Christianity.
I thought it was oddly ironic how opposite the two episodes were.
Beautiful Bethany. I was soooo the same! Super emotional. Lucky I then had an amzing valentines afternoon with friends who turned it around. I feel ya girl! x