Apparently I was on a bit of an absence, sorry about that.
Things have been crazy around here.
this week has been really busy,
I have felt very stressed out.
there are a lot of things on my plate
& I feel like I am making no progress whatsoever.
From last Monday to this Tuesday, my only day off was Thursday.
The majority of that day was spent babysitting my "nephew",
which was great & a tad frustrating at the same time.
Currently I am working on so many things:
edits for two senior shoots,
student notes for a class I am teaching in June,
South Africa fundraiser dinner things
(which include a photo sale/auction),
music & lyrics slides for a training in June,
mix in regular work in there plus now I will be making a
daycare video for a pre-K graduation
(for the daycare that I use to work for)
I am trying to balance all my "jobs & responsibilities"
then when you add emotions & feelings in there I just go crazy!
I feel like I am loosing myself,
honestly those of you who balance being
a wife/mom, a job, home responsibilities, church involvement are awesome!
I am really thankful that I am not there yet,
even though so many days I just wish I were.
God is still working on me,
I always have to remind myself that
I will never be perfect.
My perfect or ideal fails in comparision to Gods plan for me.
His plan can't fit in a box,
He can't fit in a box.
This week has been a struggle,
my mind has been set on something
& I am having trouble figuring out if I am dwelling or just thinking.
Then if my thinking is hurtful to me or not.
I sort of suck at any sort of relationship,
my insight is off, I don't catch certain things
There are some lines & boundries that I am unsure of or don't go anywhere near,
or do because I am a space case.
Oh, Lord Jesus help me!
I am really praying for peace & discernment.
My brain & heart get mixed up.
Pray for me this week, it will be busy!
Lots of editing & work to be done.
Also my sister & I are planning to go to South Africa in July/August.
Next Sunday we are having a findraiser dinner,
I am also doing a photo sale/auction, I have never done this before & I am a little nervous.
Please, please pray for her & I as we get ready for this.
Pray for God to fulfillthe financial needs we have.
We are so excited to go to South Africa to minister,
we know that God is the great provider,
of everything, so please pray with us & for us this week!