Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On My Plate N0.001

Baked Oatmeal
To see the recipe that I used, click here.
I used apples & peach yogurt.

   Today I made sushi with my friend.

Heather had better luck spreading and rolling then I did.

We used carrots, cucumbers, avacado & ginger.

We also made a butter garlic sauce & a spicy mayo sauce.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Newborn photo shoot

I am over the wall excited about two newborn shoots I have coming up.
Both are for precious boys. One arrived yesturday and the other is still highly anticipated.
I have never done a newborn shoot before so advice, hints, tips, tricks are so welcome!!!
{Seriously I want to know what you know!}
My Pinterst board for "Maternity & Newborn" is stuffed and I am still looking for for ideas, I have found articles and such...ooh I can't wait.
*FYI* I have an Olympus e-500 camera. A pop-up flash bouncer. A detachable flash (with a soft box type difusor thing). That is my equipment currently.



My best friend is due to have a baby any day now....she is the first of my close friends to have a baby.
I get to be an "honorary aunt" {it will be a long time before I am an actual aunt} so naturally I am super excited and have a high level of anticipation.

Today in the middle of my Greek class, my friend {who is the brother-in-law of my best friend} leans over and says "Grace had her baby last night" I looked at him and was like "WHAT?" he laughs and says "no, not really" {and laughs}.
I had a dream last night that she did have the baby so naturally it was on my mind.
The rest of class I was frazzeled.

I can't wait to be an "Honorary Aunt"!!!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I think it is high time to re-evaluate my chosen verses for the year.
They have not been in my mind very much lately. I have been so out of focues!
My mind has been elsewhere. I have been offended and irritated and angered. I don't get it.
For some reason I thought I was letting God have control but obviously I wasn't.
{REJOICE}That God woke me up today. God's mercy in my life.
{PRAYER}Guidance & direction. Opportunities. Hope.
{GIVE THANKS}Time with friends. Laughter. God's faithfulness. Encouragement. A job. Gods answers to prayer. Glitters of God's plan for me.

Oh Sweet Jesus!
Hold my heart.
Take my grip away,
it's not that You don't have control,
the fact is that I am trying to BE IN CONTROL.
Change my heart,
thank you for Your never ending mercy & love.
Where would I be without it?
I rejoice in You.
I call to You!
I give thanks to You.
May it be a never ending process,
be a daily thought,
every second may I be consumed by You.
Forgive me for all the ways I fall short each day.
Move in me,
open my eyes,
open my heart.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

This day has been something else...in a way I guess.
I went to the gym..again, the second day in a row! I joined a gym this week and so far I like going. "Get more excercise" wasn't on my "New Years Resolutions" list but it looks like that actually might happen.

I had a "heat-to-heart" with my mom today, it was needed. Too much frustration & crying on my part lately. BTW the "heart-to-heat" included a hug...wich is sooooo wierd. My family...we are NOT huggers with each other. Other then if someone is going away for awhile....It's just wierd.

Fasting...well I have had slips, some on purpose..ok well most on purpose. I need to get back on the wagon & pray for strength & resistence to temptation! Please pray with me!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Something you should know about me- 
My favorite colors are: grey, black, white, brown, mustard yellow, dark red & navy blue.

I get made fun of because my favorite colors are all neutral colors, 
people claim they are not really colors at all.
I love grey, black, white, tan, brown...
neutrals, what is wrong with it?
I like to mix them with a pop of color.
Right now I am into red, dark red not tomato red.

I want this bathroom!!
Pinned Image

I also L.O.V.E grey & yellow together.
Pinned Image

I love the turquoise & mustard yellow accents.
Pinned Image

The zebra rug is a great accent.
Pinned Image

This has such an airy feel to it, very breathable room.
Pinned Image'

BTW I will never, ever paint a room green or light blue.
1. I have had enough of those colors
2. They remind me of my mom and her style (which doesn't agree with mine)
3. Green never, ever turns out nicely in my opinion, you never end up with the color you wanted.

Color theory is pretty interesting, I had it in high school, interior design classes and in my photography classes in college. Colors really do emit different feelings and emotions, 
However at the moment I am not getting into that, because this post was about my favorite colors not color theory. Thus ends my spiel on colors. ;)

New! {photo blog}

For about 18 or so months I have been using wix.com for a web hosting my photography website. I have wanted a new site for awhile, something updated and fresh. I haven't had the time to mess with wix so a new site was never made and my website was rarely updated. Yesterday I decided to make a photo blog and use that in place of my website.
Click here to check out my new photography blog.

The new blog will be used for the more business side of my photography, there I will post new photos every now and then, however this blog (the one you are currently on) will be for personal things. Photos will be posted from projects, ideas; basically whatever I have photographed that is blog worthy. Please go check out the photo blog and let me know what you think! Also, follow, follow, follow!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Tomorrow I will be unveiling my, brand new, photo blog! I will be using that instead of my website.
I have found that updating the website is so time consuming and it is not very user friendly. So stay tuned you won't want to miss it!

{Withdrawal} D.O.....S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G!

fasting from movies is H.A.R.D. I didn't realize how much of a movie buff I was. Today I went to lunch with my sister and her friend, throughout our conversation I made several references to movies.
I am already seeing how attached I was to pulling out a movie and watching it. Honestly I can edit photos and do things better and more efficient if I am watching a movie (at least most of the time).
*Right now I am listening to "Pocket full of sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield and it makes me think of "Easy A"

Usually in my free time I am watching movies while doing something else, this afternoon I haven't felt like doing anything...we shall see how it goes. I am now making myself do something. {cleaning, putting things away from the baby shower, putting away the few Christmas decorations I still had out}

Oh sweet Jesus, give me strength to hold fast to You. Draw my closer to Your side.

Saturday, 21st of the 1st.

basically I love smoothies, I have seemed to make them e.v.e.r.y. day.
I try to make them pretty healthy.
This one has frozen banana, 
frozen orange juice (the frozen stuff from the can, I use a cereal spoonful for one serving),
milk, pomegranate, rolled oats...I think that is it.

Sometimes I use tea, I didn't have any made today so I didn't.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday, The 20th of the 1st. {Fasting}

I have decided what to fast from. After my many ideas and excuses of how to make it easier I have come to  a conclusion.

January 20, 2012-February 8, 2012

For 21 days I will fast from:

  • Watching movies (The only exception is if my group of friends decide to see Beauty & the Beast in 3D)
  • Eating sweets, including: cake, candy, ice cream, doughnuts, things with added sugar or lots of sugar. (This does not include smoothies..duh! Though if God pressed upon my heart to give that up I would)
  • Spending $$$ on unnecessary things, like stuff @ Target/Hobby Lobby/Walmart/Meijer pretty much bills, gas, tithe and the occasion outing w/ friends is all I really need to spend money on.
Day 1 Scripture- Daniel 10
Daniel 10:12 “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them."

During this fast I want to really seek God, there are some decisions I have to make that I need the guidance of my Savior on. Contentment and peace are also something I seek. 

*confession: I had a mocha cupcake at the baby shower tonight.
I will now add a day to my fast...(EXTENDED to Feb. 9, 2012)

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am about to break it down, no not dance {my only move is the sprinkler however that is for another day}.
A couple of days ago I posted about an upcoming fast that I am taking part in with my Bible study girls.  I know Biblical fasting is obstaining from food and devoting that time to prayer and seeking God intently.  I wanted to fast from something and do it right but I couldn't think of something that seemed just right.  With every idea that I had cam many excuses why it wouldn't work.  I think a lot of my problem has been discontentment.
 The last few days have been especially hard. Part of my goal for this year is to live with contentment in Jesus Christ. I have really sucked hard core at this the last few weeks. To be honest...
I am NOT content.
I am miserable.
I detest the season I am currently in.
I am angry.
I am irritable,

I really believe that God is trying to get my attention, in the area of contentment and jealousy.  I keep hearing things that are happening to other people and it kills me inside because I want what they have. I want that good life, those magical moments...but it doesn't happen. I really don't know how to let go.  For awhile I think it's going well but really it's just a trick, momentary lapse of "control" and it's peaceful so I think I am content. AHHH Oh Jesus help me!
This photo perfectly describes what I feel.
As far as I can see it's just ocean, other then what I am standing on and what is behind me.
I think eventually there is something there maybe. 
I can't get there easily or quickly,
it will take forever.
Alone it is hopeless.
I need to be carried.
I need direction, otherwise I am heading backwards. 
The possibilities are beautiful,
exciting and scary.
No way am I stepping off into this abyss of unknown ahead of me,
not without some help,
If I do....
It is foggy, 
I can't see whats ahead,
well after so far.
I am mad,
because I want to be there,
I want to go,
I want to make that step.
But it is like I am glued to where I am,
even though my soul is screaming to go,
longing to move...
but I can't.
I need a push....

Oh contentment where are you?
Peace, be in my soul.
Awaken me...
to rejoice always,
pray continually 
& give thanks in all circumstances!
Jesus be my guide, 
hold me close.
Open my eyes,
my heart,
my mind.
I want to seek You intently.

Three Good Things

1. Had a nice morning, productive. Discovered new, awesome music!

2. Biggby coffee

3. Good evening at work. 

Brandon Heath - Bend (Joseph)

I love this song. I saw Brandon Heath sing this song live in October.
This CD is a MUST check out.
"Music Inspired by The Story"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.”

Monday, January 16, 2012

crochet kicks my butt

Crocheting is kicking my.....BUTT.
All I wanted is a dang hat!

"All my single ladies, all my single ladies, 
all my single ladies get your cat hats!"

"Special hats for special cats"

Sunday, January 15, 2012

This seasons calling.

These verses were the main points of this mornings sermon.
It reminded me of what my job is all about.
Seeking righteous judgement,
seeing people through Gods eyes.
It's not easy,
there are conflicts,
there is drama,
things don't always go my way,
I don't get to stay in my comfort zone.
But this is what God has called me to right now,
in this season of my life He has called me to serve Him
by serving those who are weak,


21 days of fasting is approaching soon, what do I fast?
In my small group, ladies Bible study we are going to do a 21 day fast/Bible study. I have never really fasted before so this is hard to think of something to fast from. I have thought of some ideas but goodness sakes I am so good at coming up with excuses of why each idea wouldn't work or adding stipulations on to what I was fasting from.
excuse: well I edit photos best when a movie is going & I have a lot of editing to do now.

excuse: well I don't really eat a lot of meat anyway so it wouldn't be a big sacrifice....and I really like sausage. (SO STUPID)

excuse: well I have to spend some money, what if I find a good deal. I just will watch how much I spend.

excuse: well that is just not possible.

....so far that is all I have. I am so pathetic! Oh Jesus, give me the heart to fast and the desire for You be greater then any human desire.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I am made cinnamon roll pancakes, oh my word! {Pics tomorrow}

This week I have had a lot of free time!! It is ridiculous, Monday-Saturday I don't have to be anywhere until 3pm that is if I work Thursday & Friday. My work schedule is strange. I will work this Saturday-Tuesday, then Thursday & Friday. The next week is just Monday & Tuesday. I also have Greek M/W at 3. This much free time is so foreign to me, it hasn't happened since I was like, oh maybe 8!
I know God is teaching me something, years from now if I have children I will be crying out for free time.
Oh Lord help me to embrace this time of my life and use it to glorify You!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

If I ever had a cafe or coffee/smoothie shop I would create drinks and call them by their color and add "-ilicous" after it. Like Greenilicous, Redilicous...
it would be funny to hear people come in and order it.
just saying.

3 Good Things Thursday

1. The Proposal while editing, my goodness I like that movie. Sooo funny!
*{BTW the "wedding" in there...I love the look of it!}

2. I finished something that I knit!!!

3. Biggby coffee.

Now ending the day with tea, finishing a movie & knitting.
 ahhhhhh. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I Wore

It's time.... I apologize for the strange photos. I do not like being photographed and I can't seem to get a good photo of me with my awesome camera so I use my phone camera. ANYWAY....

Bum around the house outfit.
Jeans, socks, purple tank: Target
Fleece: Walmart (?)

Greek class, errands & church

Boots: Payless 
*(Those boots are so comfortable. I wear them all.the.time.)
Jeans: Target
Sweater: Old Navy
Scarf: Forever21


Cleaning up! Wednesday, the 11th of the 1st

Notes as I do stuff, today it's cleaning...

I love to throw things away! Of course I am sentimental about things but in the end I really love seeing a trash bag full of junk to throw away....I get a little giddy.

Found photoshop text books from college, I saved a few thinking I would use them someday...nope I haven't. I barely used them when I was in school. I am going to sell them on ebay..hopefully.
{BTW If by chance you need/want any of these books LET.ME.KNOW}

Oh my! I hate when I find things I wrote when I was a teenager, I want to gag. I was always writing down something somewhere so I never know where I will find something. so embarrassing! oh silly 16 year old me.

I did it again, made a smoothie, oh my lanta its good. I should have a smoothie shop. That would be so awesome! I would do a mixology class but I don't drink alcohol. I love making drinks!
Oh my gosh I am drinking this fast, it's cuz its sooooo good! (In 5 minutes)

I have had a box of stuff to donate in my attic and it keeps piling up, I finally took it and put it in my car. It will get to Goodwill, maybe today maybe not; but it is not coming back into the house.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday, the 10th of the 1st

Tuesday, well no Greek today :(
I went to class but found out that it was not the right one. I signed up for Greek 2 rather then Beginning Greek 2. The class I am suppose to be in is M/W afternoons, so with a bit of prayer & working around a work schedule I am able to take the class. HOORAY!

In a recent post I stated that I was trying to crochet, well that hasn't gone well but I will keep at it. I started knitting again. Pretty much my resme of knitting includes a scarf {that I didn't even finish myself} & many atemepts at various projects. So below is a photo of what I am working on, well it's similar mine is kind of my own design.

Pinned Image

Made some smoothies today, seriously...I have been making smoothies like they are GOING.OUT.OF.STYLE! {photos will come tomorrow}

Today it is like 50 degrees outside....
January in Michigan wow!
My leather seats in my car were warmed by the sun & my car smelled very nice.
{"my dear watson" air freshener by Scentsy = <3 }

Mommies, Help!

Alright mommies! I need some help. My best friend is expecting in February & I am helping with her baby shower. I want to use baby pictures of her & her husband but I need some ideas on how to use them. Ideas?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday the 9th of the 1st.

Guess what?? I went running/walking today! Hahaha..of course I was slow. Oh my lanta I hate running. I can walk, I can walk fast, but runnning.......EWW GROSS!
Last night I was laying in my bed thinking about Monday morning.
{I L.O.V.E being able to have a leisure Monday morning, thank you Jesus!
 In years I have not had that opportunity}
I realized that I was never going to be "more of a runnner on December 31, 2012" if I didn't ever start & it was helpful that it hadn't been as cold lately. We shall see how far I go....

"I wait for you, O Lord, You will answer, O Lord my God....
I confess my iniquity, I am troubled by my sin" -Psalm 38:15 & 18

I read the above verses this morning & they made me pause & ponder. Am I troubled by my sin? How often I really confess my sin to God? Wow this is something I need to work on...
So thankful for Gods faithfulness to forgive even when I don't ask or when I am not faithful to Him.
Ok so thats Monday...

Tomorrow is Tuesday which means....
Yay I am taking another semster of Biblical Greek, I am just auditing for the fun of it...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Soooo.... I don't know much about crocheting. In fact I didn't even know how to crochet a line until last Wednesday. The notion of trying to make a hat popped into my head & being the very smart girl that I am...I decided that crocheting a hat could be done even though I had no idea what I was doing.
HELLOOO Online tutorials....how hard could it be?

Well, I have re-started a few times but maybe, just maybe I am now getting the hang of it?

You know this afternoon/tonight has just been one of those nights...
I was sitting in church tonight just feeling like I had to cry. I get like that every now & then, but I feel like I had a "cry fest" like two days ago, really? is it time for another?
My "issue" has yet to be discovered, it most likely stems from the root of "separation longings & relational desires"....that tends to be the root of most of my "issues".

Oh dear Jesus, I feel it coming. The wave of insecurity & doubt is looming. May I rest completely in You alone. Let me rejoice in You always, cry out to You for everything & give thanks to You in all things.

Oh my-lanta!
I can photograph other people, but I, myself am not photogenic it drives me nuts! Every once in awhile I get a decent shot but that doesn't happen often. Not to be vain or anything, but I would really like to be photogenic...any suggestions?

My crafting design itch is getting itchier...I sit down to do something & I don't really know what to do.
A goal I have is to create a unique item that leads to other items but I haven't figured it out yet. Still working on it.

So off to "craft" or design something.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

3 Good Things

day #36

{3}Good Things Thursday

[1.] Spent time with a good friend of mine. 
[2.] Took pictures, had coffee, went for a walk & had grilled cheese.
[3.] Work was really, really busy so the time passed quickly.

I forget that striving to live "rejoice always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances..." isn't easy, nor comfortable. Liveing that piece of Scripture humbles me & makes me cry. I am thankful for Gods grace & mercy to keep working in me & on me when I want to give up.

Work tonight was rough. I was very, very busy, earlier today I had told my friend that I expected things to be calm & dull at work. I should not have said that because it was the exact opposite. I am thankful I didn't have many dramatic things to deal with, just business & a few personal battles. I like being busy because the time seems to pass more quickly. Living out 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always,pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. is not easy, on my way home tonight I was in tears because I felt attacked at different levels. I felt my authority had been undermined. I felt I had to always explain why I did certain things even when I am not making bad decisions.  I felt like I was too nice to people & that I don't have the guts to stick to the guidelines & that people just look at me as spineless. I felt as though some people I work with had made some poor choices in how they had dealt with certain guests & I didn't know what to do about it.... I just cried, ready to give up. I feel like I don't belong there, this is not what I want to do, this is not what I like, I am not comfortable with this.
Then I realized something... God called me to this job, He dropped this opportunity in my lap, literally. I did not have to seek it out, it wasn't my first choice but it was my only idea/option. God worked it out. I would have not ever went for a job like this, not really "up my alley". But God knew that, I know He is teaching me things; & it's taken me WAY out of my comfort zone. No matter what happens...God gets praise. God gets thanksgiving.
He is humbling me, with His grace & mercy...He is working on me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

day #35
Meeting at work today where I learned some very shocking news. Evidently a few of the guests have made a "Most Feared" list & one of them was talking with the manager of the shelter & told her of this list. Now I do not know if by "Most Feared" if that really means "hated" or "respected" or "liked" however I.AM.ON.THE.LIST! I don't know how that happened, most of the time I feel like I am a pushover {maybe that's why I am on the list}. Regardless I am on it & it makes me giggle. Also another note about work: Yesterday I was on the singles floor, which is my least favorite, but it went well. Usually there is some sort of crazy, dramatic situation that I have to deal with but there was not one yesterday...so thankful! 

On to other things, I have been reading many different blogs & I see a lot of you are doing "What I Wore Wednesday" so I decided I would try it; but here is the deal. I will only be posting what I wore from a few days a week rather then everyday, because I work a couple days a week. I wear a uniform which isn't all that attractive but I still might post one or two. Bear with me for the quality of the photos aren't amazing.
Wednesday: Meeting at work (Womens Shelter), 
Work at daycare,
Church/youth group with the teens-young college age.

So pretty much I am representing Target. 
The purse is from Kohls everything else is Target!

Guess what? I made another smoothie, surprise!
Ingredients: A few tablespoons of frozen orange juice (concentrate), 
vanilla yogurt, 5 baby carrots, a whole orange (1/2 squeezed & the other 1/2 blended)

I found these when I was cleaning the other day.
2011 Resolution
  • Have faith with the "but"...don't doubt. {This got better, definitely felt more faith & less doubt.}
  • Listen, really truly listen! {Also this was better I believe}
  • Read more-time in Gods Word. {At times I did}
  • Improve communication skills-speech, letters, emails, cards, bills, etc. {eh...not so much with cards/letters}
  • Selflessness. {Somewhat, still have a ways to go}
  • Eat better, exercise. {Yeah right...maybe at the beginning of the year}
  • Spend less money on frivelous things. {HA! the first half of the year maybe}
  • Trust, surrender, humility. {It's possible}
  • Find joy & peace in the Lord. He is the source of love, joy, peace, acceptance. {Much more!}
  • Live at peace with family & learn how to communicate better & more effectively with them. {It was better}
I pray this year God would give me discipline to accomplish the goals & that He would help me see which ones aren't totally necessary. Time management!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012: Goals for the New Year

I said it would be done today, so here it is.

  • Live by 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances..."
  • Be content with the life God has given me, the job & circumstances that He has placed me in.
  • Be productive & positive yet rest & relax; live with balance.
  • Save money by staying away from "just because" trips to...TARGET/Biggby/Hobby Lobby.
  • Increase skills in photography by researching & trying new things.
  • Live healthier by what you eat/watch/do...get enough rest {I guess this includes exercise} Be still before God & listen.
  • Be more of a runner by December 31, 2012 then what you are now.
  • Practice creativity, do something crafty & creative each week.
  • Be able to read, in Greek, a passage of Scripture about Christs birth & be able to interpret/translate it in English Christmas 2012.
  • Have fun, make memories, do cool things, take a lot of pictures & be a little spontaneous.
So there it is, I pray I will do each of those things. That God will help me accomplish things this year & that each day I will give Him the glory & praise otherwise it is not worth doing.

Tuesday...I'm in a mood.

day #34

What I made today.

.::Mocha Vanilla Smoothie::.
Smoothie contains: ice, milk, powdered instant coffee, a few teaspoons of hot chocolate mix, vanilla yogurt.

.::Breakfast In A Cup::. 

Ingredients: Bread, sausage, eggs, salt & pepper, butter.
Lightly butter a muffin tin. I just did 6, but obviously you can do as many as you will need.
Preheat oven to 375
1. Cook sausage. I had a partial roll of sausage that I just cut 3 pieces off & cooked it in the microwave for about 90seconds. 
2. Roll out the pieces of bread with a rolling pin & use a large round cookie cutter to cut out a circle.
3. Place the circle of bread in the buttered pan.
4. Cut pieces of sausage in 1/2 & place in the bread.
5. Crack 1 egg into each compartment.
6. Add Salt & Pepper
7. Bake for about 25 min or until egg white is cooked.
(*Mine baked for about 25 min & the yokes were pretty solid,
I like more runny yoke so next time I won't cook it as long.*)
These are pretty good left over, I put the leftovers in the fridge & heated it up later, still yummy!

.::Smoothie No.2::.
Ingredients: a few spoonfuls of frozen orange juice, vanilla yogurt, half of a grapefruit.

This morning was nice, I was able to sleep in, casually make breakfast & have my Jesus time. The house was quiet & I was alone, good thing! God has been using Psalms in my life lately, read many good things. I am always amazed when I sit down & read Gods word & I come across a little truth that applied to me so well.
Psalm 34 has more than a few truths that apply to me now.
 1 I will extol the LORD at all times;
   his praise will always be on my lips.
2 I will glory in the LORD;
   let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
3 Glorify the LORD with me;
   let us exalt his name together.
 4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
   he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant;
   their faces are never covered with shame
6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
   he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
   and he delivers them.
 8 Taste and see that the LORD is good;
   blessed is the one who takes refuge in him
9 Fear the LORD, you his holy people,
   for those who fear him lack nothing.
10 The lions may grow weak and hungry,
   but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
11 Come, my children, listen to me;
   I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
12 Whoever of you loves life
   and desires to see many good days,
13 keep your tongue from evil
   and your lips from telling lies
14 Turn from evil and do good;
   seek peace and pursue it.
 15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,
   and his ears are attentive to their cry;
16 but the face of the LORD is against those who do evil,
   to blot out their name from the earth.
 17 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;
   he delivers them from all their troubles.
18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
   and saves those who are crushed in spirit
 19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all
20 he protects all his bones,
   not one of them will be broken.
 21 Evil will slay the wicked;
   the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The LORD will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned

This whole chapter applies to me so well, last night I was IN.A.MOOD. I don't know where it came from but it was there. I ended up bawling in my bed, praying & crying out to God. Longings getting stronger & stronger; in my moment of weakness I just couldn't take it. Everything was wrong (even though everything really wasn't).  In these moments I don't understand why I am still waiting for certain things or why I can't seem to accomplish anything or why this isn't happening or why that isn't happening or why I struggle so much with this & that.  Oh tell me I am not the only one. I have to cry out for Gods mercy & grace; when my emotions get the best of me & I get so focused on my own "stuff" that I forget whose I am & I forget who God is. What a wondrous thing Gods grace & love is!