Thursday, March 15, 2012

On My Plate No. 007

Didn't stick much to the recipe,
used a lot of veggies,
whole wheat tortillas.

all the yummy veggies!

Tomato soup (from a can), pretty good!

Smoothies...banana, strawberry, milk, pineapple, yogurt.
My friend and I try to get together each week to cook/bake and chat.
Today we sat on the porch, so lovely sitting in the sun!

This fantastic creation is
Oh my lanta!!! so so so good!

The weather has been crazy beautiful for the last few days. 
today the temp came to 80!

Today was crazy, at work I was the night-shift manager, 
I am sort of in training even though I have been night-shift manager twice.
Today the phone would not stop ringing and it was so hot in the office.
Things went well regardless, glory!
God is good
& big
& He loves me!
That is all for now.

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